Deep Nostalgia™ geht viral!
- Von Silvia

Erst vor vier Tagen haben wir die Veröffentlichung von Deep Nostalgia™ präsentiert: eine bahnbrechende neue Funktion, mit der Sie die Gesichter Ihrer Lieben in Standbildern animieren können. Diese Funktion erweckt „Ihre alten Familienfotos zum Leben“ auf eine ganz neue Ebene – und sie ist ganz schön viral gegangen!
Allein in den ersten 48 Stunden wurden über 1 Million Fotos animiert. Gestern wurde der 3-Millionen-Meilenstein überschritten. Die Nutzer haben mit Staunen und Emotionen reagiert: Einige waren beeindruckt, Vorfahren zu sehen, die sie noch nie getroffen hatten – einige über 100 Jahre alt – die sich nun bewegten, blinzelten und lächelten. Andere waren wiederum zu Tränen gerührt.
„Es macht mich so glücklich, ihn wieder lächeln zu sehen“, sagte eine Nutzerin, nachdem sie ein Foto ihres Mannes animiert hatte, der vor 4 Jahren verstorben ist. „Es ist, als würden sie einen und die Umgebung betrachten und sehen, wie sehr sich die Dinge geändert haben“, sagte ein anderer Nutzer. Der Reporter Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez kommentierte, dass das Feature ihm die Möglichkeit gab, das Gesicht seines verstorbenen Vaters wieder zu sehen, nachdem er das einzige Videoband von ihm vor vielen Jahren verloren hatte.
„Vergessen Sie iPhones und selbstfahrende Autos“, schrieb einer als Antwort auf eine Deep Nostalgia™-Animation. „Dies ist der Moment, in dem wir offiziell angefangen haben, in der Zukunft zu leben!“
Deep Nostalgia™ sorgte sogar in den internationalen Medien für Furore: Es wurde unter anderem in der Financial Times, USA Today und der BBC vorgestellt.
Schauen Sie mal, was viele über Deep Nostalgia™ sagen:
My mother passed away young so to see her come to life in this photo is so special. Thankyou MyHeritage #RootsTechConnect
— Sharn White (@SharnWhite) February 26, 2021
Bonjour @MyHeritage, vous venez de me faire pleurer devant le magnifique portrait animé lorsqu'elle était jeune de ma tendre grand-mère disparue 🥺
Ca s'appelle "Deep Nostalgia" et c'est aussi émouvant qu'époustouflant !#généalogie #archives #émotions— Julien Lozelli 🔎 🇺🇦 (@juloz_1) February 25, 2021
Well just when you thought @MyHeritage and @MyHChiefGen had no other photography tricks up their sleeves! #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— David Allen Lambert (@DLGenealogist) February 25, 2021
Takes my breath away. This is my grandfather who died when I was eight. @MyHeritage brought him back to life. Absolutely crazy. #RootsTech2021 @RootsTechConf
— Jenny Hawran (@jennyhawran) February 25, 2021 I don't know what to say. My Dad's high school picture, c.1953. @megansmolenyak @MyHeritage #RootsTechConnect #DeepNostalgia #RootsTech2021
— Kimberly J McLaughlin🧬🌳📜 (@kjm4) February 25, 2021
YOOOO This is my ancestor, Mary Kanuiokalani Kaukaliu. I know that her face in the original photo scan is a little fuzzy, but this .@MyHeritage photo animation gave me chillllllssssss! Thank you .@MyHeritage for such a wonderful tool!
— The Polynesian Genealogist (she/her) (@miyajensen) February 25, 2021
so I've been playing with this AI-animation tool for old photos on @MyHeritage …
animating one of my late dad's old photos was pretty powerful, especially after I lost the ONLY video tape I had of him in a move some years ago
— Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez (@FitzTheReporter) February 27, 2021
This is AMAZING. @MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia Tool animation really brings my Grandmother's picture to life! THX YOU #RootsTech2021 #Genealogy #DeepNostalgia #RootsTechConnect
— Christian Cortez (@Bud_Cortez) February 26, 2021
Incredible. Forget iPhones and self driving cars…this is the moment we officially started living in the future!
— jmscarpati (@jmscarpati1) February 25, 2021
This actually moved me to tears, I have never seen a moving image of Dad, he sadly died when I was 3, incredible and emotional thank you @MyHeritage #RootsTechConnect #RootsTech21 #DeepNostalgia
— Paul Chiddicks (@chiddickstree) February 25, 2021
This is my son who died in 1995 The photo brought me to tears after it went through the new @MyHeritage animate photo tool. #RootsTechConnect
— Jennifer Jones (@Jennifer_Jones0) February 27, 2021
Holy moly. This #AI animation of my mystery disappearing grandmother by @myheritage is crazy. #DeepNostalgia #RootsTech2021
— John Mancini – Author, Immigrant Secrets 🟦 (@jmancini77) February 25, 2021
La nouvelle fonctionnalité "animate photo" #DeepNostalgia de @MyHeritage est stupéfiante : voici le résultat avec une vieille photo d'identité de ma grand-mère paternelle… J'en ai la chair de poule… #genealogie #genealogy #MyHeritage #geneajoie
— Greg Wolf (@gwolf) February 25, 2021
Translation: The new animate feature #DeepNostalgia of @MyHeritage is amazing: here is the result with an old passport photo of my paternal grandmother … I have goosebumps!
This is a TRIP, man!
MyHeritage's deepfake tool animates photos of dead relatives via @MailOnline— Diana 🇺🇸 (@Moxie2Runway) February 25, 2021
This is very much doing the rounds on Twitter tonight, but it’s a great use of technology for genealogists. The new MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia feature brings photos to life brilliantly. Tonight I’ve met my 2xgreat grandfather, who died when I was 2 He’s at
— Amateur Family History Podcast (@AFHpodcast) February 25, 2021
Re-sharing this along with this animation of Sgt. Henry Johnson who posthumously received the Medal of Honor (from Barack Obama) for his heroic service in WWI. #BHM
— Megan Smolenyak🕵️♀️ 💙💛🌻 (@megansmolenyak) February 26, 2021
My breath has officially been taken away. This photo brought to life is my grandmother's graduation from college, when she smiled I smiled. She died in 1994 but I will admit I was a tad choked up seeing her as if she was alive… Thank you @MyHeritage. Thank you. 🙏🏻
— Daniel Loftus is working on #ProjectInfant. 🌳🔎 (@danielmloftus) February 25, 2021
Patrick Vlaskovits on Twitter
Thanks to MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia @MyHChiefGen @MyHeritage I can see the way my 3rd great-grandfather, Calvin Andrew (1821-1898) may have looked when he smiled! #Genealogy #RootsTech2021
— Katharine Andrew, MS/LIS 🏳️🌈🇺🇦 (@kka_genealogy) February 25, 2021
With the new Myheritage Deep Nostalgia tool – I find that when I see any photo anywhere now, I am pausing to wait to see if they are animated! It is a little bit Harry Potterish when I glance at a photo on the wall of my house and hesitate to watch it. #RootsTechConnect
— Leisa Byrne (@LeisaByrne) February 26, 2021
absolutely amazing! I just animated my grandfather who died when my mother was just 8 years old!! Thank you SO much for sharing the @MyHeritage link for #DeepNostalgia
— Family Story Matters (@familystorymat1) February 25, 2021
I have to admit that I'm rather amazed at the #DeepNostalgia animation of my great-grandfather, circa 1903. Excellent job, @MyHeritage ! #RootsTechConnect
— Amy Johnson Crow 🌳🧬 (@AmyJohnsonCrow) February 25, 2021
Whoa! My 3rd great-grandmother, born in Ireland in 1832. Doesn't work for all photos, but encourage you to give it a try! This is the new animation tool from @MyHeritage. #DeepNostalgia #RootsTech
— Megan Smolenyak🕵️♀️ 💙💛🌻 (@megansmolenyak) February 25, 2021
Stunned by the new @MyHeritage "Deep Nostalgia" offering.
While the animation is certainly startling, the automatic image enhancement is just unbelievable.
This is going to transform image restoration!
My great grandmother on her wedding day, 1910.
— Chris Lewicki (@interplanetary) February 25, 2021
I'm like…wow…this is my great grandmother…
— Jen (@jenefertari) February 25, 2021
This is my great-grandmother, Kathleen. I’ve always felt so close to her even though she died when I was 2 years old. This #DeepNostalgia video brought tears to my eyes to see her move, almost like seeing her as she was posing for this photo. Remarkable! #RootsTechConnect
— Mike Quackenbush (@MikeQuack) February 26, 2021
I love the way MyHeritage brought the photo of my great grandfather who died 100 years ago this month to life! Try it too and be amazed. #DeepNostalgia #MyHeritage
— David Allen Lambert (@DLGenealogist) February 25, 2021
Right I'll bite – My Great grandmother, who died of Spanish Flu in 1918, the baby she gave birth to on the previous day died 2 days later 😢. Amazing, thanks to @MyHeritage #RootTechConnect
— 🏴Margaret Roberts🐄 (@Researchdogbody) February 25, 2021
MyHeritage is releasing a new "bring old photos to life" video portrait feature. Really interesting work.
— stevemur (@stevemur) February 25, 2021
My great great grandmother, Louisa Roakes (1871-1942), animated using the Deep Nostalgia tool on @MyHeritage #Genealogy #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— Nathan Dylan Goodwin (@NathanDGoodwin) February 25, 2021
Wow! Loving this new #DeepNostalgia tool from @MyHeritage announced via #RootsTechConnect ! This is my grandad when he was a little lad! 😊😍
— Jane_FH 🕵🏼♀️👩🏼💻🧩💻📚🗂🇬🇧 (@jane9668) February 25, 2021
I am OBSESSED with the new Deep Nostalgia™ feature at @MyHeritage. Learn more in my latest blog post!
— Dr. Adina-My Family Genie (@MyFamilyGenie) February 25, 2021
With @MyHeritage new animation tool. My grad photo is not only enhanced but animated too. You won't believe it #HoundontheHunt #wow
— Family History Hound™|Ellen T-J🧬❤️ (@familyhisthound) February 25, 2021
I've found it incredibly moving to see a photo of someone I've read so much about "come to life".
The photo is of Fr Bede Jarrett OP (@BedeJarrettOP), the animation was created by @MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia— 🍉🌻 Katherine Joan 🌻🍉 (@CrimsonCoatLady) February 27, 2021
I've seen a few of these #DeepNostalgia posts recently – in the long tradition of new tech being simultaneously amazing and terrifying. Here's my lovely nan from a photo taken over 90 years ago. She'd have given me a right #earbashing for posting this😆@MyHeritage
— Ian Jenkins (@ianjenks) February 27, 2021
I think its cool. 🙂
— WhatTheFunkyPhoto (@FunkyPhotos) February 27, 2021
I just did my 3GGF and it's amazing. It caught me off guard. I got all emotional looking at it. #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— MJ (@MJoStout) February 25, 2021
Ok, now I'm kind of addicted to the @MyHeritage #deepnostalgia My great grandmother Cirrilda who died in 1904.
— Kimberli Hull (@KimberliHull) February 25, 2021
Users get creative with historical portraits
Some users got creative with Deep Nostalgia™ and used it on portraits and statues of historical figures.
Van Gogh’s self-portrait:
Generated with MyHeritage.#DeepNostalgia
— Andrii Frolov (@kznsq) February 27, 2021
Egyptian queen Nefertiti:
Et pourquoi pas la statue de Néfertiti…#MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— Raphaël Pinson (@raphink) February 26, 2021
King Tut:
On creuse encore un peu…#MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia
— Raphaël Pinson (@raphink) February 26, 2021
Julius Caesar:
King George III of England and family:
Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. Seen here in 1773, with some help from 2021 artificial intelligence. @historybeagle @RachelSRich @foxvshedgehog
— Adam Crymble (@Adam_Crymble) February 27, 2021
Albert Einstein:
Tried to animate the iconic Einstein's photo via @MyHeritage and well…
— Srikar (@itsmutnuri) February 28, 2021
Queen Elizabeth, William Shakespeare, Jesus, the Girl with the Pearl Earring, and other subjects of historical photos: has created some sort of animate your old photos application and I'm of course using it to feed my history addiction.
I apologise in advance to all the ancestors I'm about to offend.Very fake history.
I'm sorry Queenie.
— Fake History Hunter (@fakehistoryhunt) February 28, 2021
Abraham Lincoln:
Abraham Lincoln, animated with @MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia
— Chris Lewicki (@interplanetary) February 26, 2021
The Beatles:
The Beatles, in all their glory.
— Tony Hồ Trần (@TonyHoWasHere) February 27, 2021
Rosalind Franklin, English chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite:
Rosalind Franklin brought to life with #DeepNostalgia
— Dr Adam Rutherford (@AdamRutherford) February 26, 2021
Seán Mac Diarmada, 1916. A portrait of one of the leaders of The Easter Rising who was executed in Kilmainham Gaol on the 12th of May 1916 aged 33.
Seán Mac Diarmada, 1916
A portrait of one of the leaders of the 1916 Rising who was executed in Kilmainham Gaol on the 12th of May 1916 aged 33.
Now brought to life using the power of animation by @MyHeritage & colourised with @DeOldify #Irish #History #AI #Easter #Rising
— Timeless Colours (@timelesscolours) February 25, 2021
Edgar Allen Poe:
.@MyHeritage's #DeepNostalgia feature is but a dream within a dream.
— Bizzarro Bazar (@BizzarroBazar) February 28, 2021
In den Medien
Brittany Vincent schreibt für PC Mag: „Die Ergebnisse sind erstaunlich naturgetreu, da wir sehen, wie Menschen ihre Köpfe bewegen, blinken und sogar ihre Gesichtsausdrücke leicht verändern. Es ist eine emotionale Erfahrung, zu sehen, wie sich das Gesicht eines geliebten Menschen bewegt und dich noch einmal ansieht und lächelt. Sie sehen also sogar einen Vorfahren, von dem Sie nicht einmal wussten, dass Sie mit ihm verwandt sind.“
GIZMODO behauptet, es sei eine weitere faszinierende Anwendung von KI und tiefem Lernen, die sich direkt wie Science-Fiction anfühlt.
Tony Tran schreibt für The Byte: „Obwohl es einfach ist, sich über dieses Tool lustig zu machen, ist es zweifellos eine faszinierende und überzeugende Anwendung der KI – ganz zu schweigen davon, dass es vielen Menschen ermöglichen kann, sich durch Technologie wieder mit ihren Lieben zu verbinden. Das ist immer fantastisch.“, PC Welt, Golem, Yahoo News, The Economic Times, Financial Times, USA Today und viele mehr haben ebenfalls über die Veröffentlichung der Funktion berichtet.
Vielen, vielen Dank an Sie alle, dass Sie Ihre Videos geteilt und Ihren Freunden von dieser unglaublichen neuen Funktion erzählt haben. Machen Sie gerne weiter!